Stradbroke Island Queensland Accommodation and Holiday Information
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North Stradbroke Island covers an area of 275.2km2. It’s the world’s second largest sand island; in fact, it consists almost entirely of sand, with rocky outcrops at Point Lookout and small outcrops of sandstone at Dunwich. Although it comprises almost entirely of sand, North Stradbroke Island exhibits a wide range of habitats, each supporting its own assortment of plants and animals. The most important habitats along the eastern, or ocean, side of the Island consist of open beaches, frontal dunes and the 18 Mile Swamp, together with a small area of rocky headland at Point Lookout. The western or Moreton Bay side of the Island is characterized by mangroves and tidal swamps. A series of lakes and lagoons occurs between the dunes, the most notable being Blue Lake (Karboora) and Brown Lake (Bummiera).
Straddie is a veritable treasure trove of rare and endangered land and sea creatures and habitat, with even a remnant rainforest at Myora Springs near Dunwich. There are 18 species of land mammals including wallabies, kangaroos, echidnas, koalas and bandicoots.
It forms part of the Moreton Bay Marine Park, most of which is Ramsar wetland of international importance recognised under the international Ramsar convention. Here are some amazing facts about our Moreton Bay Marine Park…
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North Gorge Point Lookout