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South Gippsland Highway, Korumburra
Authentically recreates an 1890s coal mining community, using many buildings sourced from the region or carefully crafted from orginal photographs. Visitors can wander through a variety of shops, houses and public buildings. A coal mine ,explosion, a water wheel and steam train rides complete the experience.

Stations at Leongatha, Korumburra, Loch and Nyora
One of Australias longest, privately managed and operated broad guage volunteer, mainline passenger railways. The 40 km section of the century old former South Eastern rural mainline of the Victorian Railways takes passengers through the rolling Strzeleckis and some of the most lush and rich dairy farmland in Australia. Join the train at the historic Korumburra station, or at Leongatha, Loch or Nyora.


South Beach foreshore, Walkerville
Mining of limestone deposits in the cliffs of Walkerville began in 1878. By 1890 the industry supported 80 people, with several kilns dotting the coastline, but the industry stopped in 1926. This preserved kiln is the best reminder in the area.


State Coal Mine - Underground Mine Closure
The historic State Coal Mine at Wonthaggi has temporarily closed its underground mine to the public and has ceased conducting guided underground tours.
Parks Victoria’s decision to suspend underground tours is the result of an engineering assessment of its cable car system, conducted as part of a compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety (Mines) regulations. The safety of visitors and staff is of utmost importance to Parks Victoria.
Although this is the case there is still plenty to see and do at the State Coal Mine, Wonthaggi.

Step back in time…
In its heyday, the State Coal Mine was a bustling network of tunnels, filled with men and pit ponies, dust and dim lights. Deep below the surface, miners toiled to dig the valuable black coal which powered Victorias railway network. The mine was Wonthaggis life-blood, and was active from 1909 to 1968.

A visit to the State Coal Mine at Wonthaggi is a journey back to the difficult working conditions of mining days past. Preserved by Parks Victoria for future generations, this original mine site gives visitors an understanding of the life of a miner seventy years ago.


Access via Cape Liptrap Rd, Walkerville Sth Located at the southern tip of Cape Liptrap. A lighthouse was originally established in 1913 to improve the safety of coastal shipping. In 1951 the steel tower was dismantled and replaced with the current structure. The light is still in operation and has a range of 18 nautical miles (over 31 km). The history of the lighthouse is complemented by the nearby historic lime kilns (1878) and together they give an insight into the fascinating early development of this area.

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